Norton Safe Search Review

Norton safe search is a safety software from Norton that helps Internet users know if websites they plan to visit are dangerous or not. This is crucial because there are reports virtually every day of identity theft and financial assets being stolen from computers of people due to malware and ransomware downloaded from malicious websites they have visited.

Norton utilizes a system of community feedback to check the Web, whereby users can examine the way websites function and whether there is anything suspicious happening while they are on those sites. Site owners can also submit their websites for review. If they meet certain standards and are deemed to be safe, they’ll receive a Norton Secured Seal that lets users know that the website is safe and trustworthy.

You can display safety ratings next to all search results in your browser by installing the Norton Safe Search Extension for Google Chrome. This provides you with the best protection from identity hackers, phishing websites, and online viruses. The extension is light and won’t slow your computer.

However, one major drawback is that Norton’s score is not shown in the results for video, image and news searches. This is a serious oversight due to the importance of these kinds of results to a user’s search experience. It would be even better to show Norton’s ratings with ad results which are usually malware infested and scams that involve phishing. It is still worth a look to stay away from the risks associated with online shopping and browsing.

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